Since 2014 trade exchanges between France and Russia strongly suffered due to the political tensions between the European Union and Russia. However, from 2017 we can note signs of recovery in the trade relations between two countries.
- France had a trade deficit with Russia of around 2 billion EUR in 2017. The French exports to Russia represented 5,5 billion EUR and French imports from Russia – 7,5 billion EUR
- France is the 6th supplier of Russia and its 18th client
- Russia is the 7th market for French exports (outside the EU and Switzerland)
- France is the first foreign employer in Russia
- Main French exports to Russia: mechanical equipment (22%), aeronautics and space (21%), pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and perfumes (19%), chemical products (11%)
- Main imports French imports from Russia: energy industry products (74%), chemical products (10%), metal products (4%), aeronautics and space (3%)